By Parker Rhea
Old Main Entertainment Co-founder
Hello to everyone that knows me and to those who will get to know me soon. My name is Parker Rhea and I have worked with Reed before. I will not blog much, but I can assure you it is not because I have nothing to say.
I do about three podcasts while being a teacher here in the Houston area. Teaching and coaching are not something I had in mind post-graduation, but it has become a passion and source of income. I want to do my part in providing entertainment to this young network. My voice may not be the voice of reason you think you need, but it is the voice you want to hear. I bring humor and a common-sense approach to everything I do. I love Houston sports and that is my main source of content. I keep up with current events and if something bugs me, I will speak up. I do not work for a media outlet like some of my more distinguished colleagues. I can assure you there is no filter when I am talking into the mic.